Science Wins
By: Asmodeus

We are in what appears to be a classroom . We see lots of tubes , beakers with bubbling strange coloured liquids inside .

Tending to all these tubes is a young man , in his early 20s . The young man has a slender build , not an ounce of fat on his 6 foot frame. Some people might say he's skinny but he's very handsome , just not someone who like he works out .

The young man is suddenly started as he looks up . He sees three other young men standing right in front of him . They are roughly the same age but much bigger and better built , they look like jocks .

One of the three men starts to speak

Young Man: Hey Jonathan , what are you doing ?

The other two young men snicker

Jonathan : Bob , Michael and Darryl, sigh . I'm working on a chemistry experiement .

Bob: How are you going to finish it without this ?

Bob grabs on of the tubes off the table and let's it drop to the floor , it shatters .

Jonathan : Oh come on guys !

Darryl: Come on what you little squeek ?

Jonathan : Don't touch that stuff ! That's very dangerous !

Bob (mocking ) : That's very dangerous stuff guys .

Bob grabs another glass tube from the the table , this one has been closed shut with a cork . Bob tosses the tube to Mike who tosses it to Darryl.

Jonathan : Come on guys stop it ! You don't know what you're .....

Suddenly as Darryll throws the tube back to Bob , Bob fails to catch it which causes the tube to fall to the floor and shatter . Instantly strange green smoke rises .

Jonathan heads for cover behind a desk .

Bob , Michael and Darryl are covered in the green smoke , suddenly they notice that the world around them seems to be getting bigger and bigger .

They scream but in a matter of seconds they shrink to a mere six inches tall .

Jonathan emerges and approaches , laughing a bit .

There in a pile of clothe are the three six inch tall bodies of Bob , Michael and Darryl . They jump up and down , yelling at Jonathan . They're voices are much weaker now but still audible .

Bob : What the hell was that you moron ? Turn us back !

Jonathan bent down .

Jonathan (smiling) : I told you guys not to mess with my stuff .

Darryll: You invented that shit didn't you , you can invent something that will turn us back can't you ?

Jonathan : Oh I'm sure I could but I'm not so sure I want to .

Michael: What ? Why not ?

Jonathan : Well as I recall you guys seem to have made it your charge to torment me ever since I came to this college .

Bob : That was just kids play ! Please man help us .

Jonathan : I have a better idea ....

Jonathan grabs a glass jar from one of the shelves in the room , he uses a pair of scissors to make a few holes into the lid .

He then grabs the three tiny men one by one and drops them inside the jar . Jonathan also gathers up all of their clothe and puts them in his bag , he also places the jar with the three tiny screaming captives into his bag . Jonathan then leaves the room and quickly goes to his dorm room .

He unpacks his bag . He places the clothe into the bathroom sink , then he finds another potion in his bag which dribbles over the clothe , they instantly disolve . Jonathan turns on the tap to rinse the residue .

Jonathan then grabs the jar with his three captives and opens it , he goes to his bed and places the jar on the nightstand . Jonathan strips to his boxers . He then grabs Bob and lifts him out of the jar . Michael and Darryl just watch in horror .

Jonathan places Bob into the palm of his hand and looks at him .

Jonathan : Have you ever thought about dieing Bob ?

Bob (scared) : No I try not to .

Jonathan: Have you ever wondered what I would it would be like to be swallowed alive ?

Bob ( really scared) : No !..... You're are not going to ......

Jonathan : Oh yes I am .... I have fantasized about this ever since I was a boy , I just have to know what it feels like .

Bob ( in panic ) : Please no ! I don't want to die , I'm scared .

Jonathan : Don't be scared , you get to be absorbed into my body , that's not so bad is it ?

Bob : I don't want to , please let me go .

Jonathan : Oh come now , this won't be so bad , just relax and it will all be over soon .

Bob screamed in horror as Jonathan brought him closer to his mouth . Bob watched in terror as Jonathan opened his mouth and brought him ever closer . Then Jonathan shoved Bob inside , only his legs remained outside the mouth , kicking and wriggling like those of an insect .

Jonathan titled his head back and the legs vanished too . Jonathan could feel Bob squirming around in his mouth as he massages him with his tongue . Jonathan was enjoying this immensly , the feeling of sheer power made him instantly hard . Tiny muffled screams were audible from out of the mouth .

Then suddenly Jonathan tilted his head back again and swallowed . Jonathan could feel his throat expand and he felt a large struggling lump being pushed down . It felt so incredible . At about the point where Jonathan neck connects to his shoulder Bob became stuck . Jonathan swallowed again to send Bob a little furher down his gullet . He could hear Bob's pathetic little cries for help . One or two more gulps and Bob entered Jonathan's stomach . Jonathan then clearly felt that Bob was moving and squirming around in there , looking for a way out . This was awesome , Jonathan could take no more , he reached into his boxers , grabbed his dick and started jerking off . It didn't take long for him to blow a huge load , this was one of the best orgasms he ever had .

As Jonathan relaxed and cleaned himself off the struggles in his stomach began to subsied . It took about a minute or so for them to fade completely .

Jonathan got up to the jar and stared at Michael and Darryll who were in shock .

Jonathan : Well I guess he's history now , I can only wonder what it must have felt like to be swallowed by me , but don't you guys worry I'll let you find out for yourselfs soon enough . Tommorow it's going to be Michael and the next day Darryl . Sleep tight tonight .

A few minutes later Jonathan was strectched out on his bed sleeping . Michael and Darryl could only stare at his body and imagine that somewhere in there Bob was now being digested and that soon they would share his fate .

The next evening Jonathan returned to his room . Michael was already shaking because he knew what was in store for him .

Jonathan once again striped to his boxers and then he grabbed Michael and went to the bed with him .

Jonathan : So Mike have you thought about what I'm going to do with you ?

Michael : Please don't do it .

Jonathan : You know I'm going to . Tell me how does it feel to be so utterly dominated ?

Michael: It sucks , what do you think ?

Jonathan : Have a nice stay !

Jonathan brought Michael to his mouth and put him inside . Mike was completely inside Jonathan's mouth , he was being covered in saliva , it was dark so Mike couldn't really see anything . Suddenly he was pushed towards the back of Jonathan's mouth and then he was pushed into the throat . It was horrible , he felt like he was being pushed through a slimy tube , the muscles of the throat had a firm grip on him which kind of hurt to , he was violently yanked downwards and soon he was pushed through the sphincter to land in the stomach . The stomach was alot like being inside a bag , it was fairly tight but Michael was able to get up . The smell was horrible and it was all slimmy and just totally gross and most of all it was damn hot , body temperature which coupled with the high moisture made things nearly unbarable . As Mike clawed at the stomach walls in a futile attempt to escape he suddenly heard a noise above him , then without warning a breath of fresh air was pushed into the stomach .

Michael : What the hell ? Why did he ........ Oh crap !

Then suddenly Mike felt a great squeeze and the air was pushed out of the stomach which produced a loud rumbling belch . This was actually much louder from the inside . Michael felt himself getting drowsy and tired , he still tried clawing at the now tighter stomach walls but he became weaker and weaker until he passed out .

The next day had passed and it was Darryl's turn . Darryl screamed and kicked wildly as Jonathan grabbed him . Darryl was trying everything to escape but obviously he couldn't . Jonathan didn't waste much time with Darryll , moments later Jonathan felt the madly struggling and screaming Darryl being pushed down his esophagus to land in the stomach . From within Jonathan felt wild wriggling and struggling . Jonathan enjoyed this and once again jerked himself off to a quick orgasm but Darryll was still struggling . Jonathan could hear the screams from within .

Jonathan : What's the matter Darryl ? Don't you like being my dinner ? Did I ever tell you that you feel great in there ?

Jonathan once again felt wild struggling , he patted his stomach

Jonathan : That's a good boy .

Then Jonathan let out a good belch which instantly reduced Darryl's struggles but didn't end them .

Jonathan : Ah you're getting comfortable in there , that's good . I think I'm going to take a nap now too , it's supposed to be good for the digestion .

Jonathan : Good night .

Jonathan belched again letting out the rest of the air in his stomach and ending Darryl's struggles .

The End

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